• Bryce Brimhall - President

    Bryce always had the itch to be a pilot, but didn’t see it as a viable career option until a friend pointed the way. Within a few weeks of this pivotal conversation, Bryce quit his job and was enrolled in flight school.

    A flight instructor job at Pilot Makers in Provo, UT gave Bryce the opportunity to experience aerobatics with Jeff Granger in his Extra 300. After his first flight, he never wanted to do any other type of flying.

    Bryce’s current favorite aerobatic maneuver is a roll on a vertical upline. He says “I hope to help everyone become safer in the skies through exposure to new experiences and deeper understanding of aerobatic flight. The unknown can be one of the scariest things in piloting. Through aerobatic training and upset prevention and recovery training, pilots can gain the experience necessary to be comfortable when things get turned upside down.”

    When not in the sky, Bryce can be found enjoying all the Wasatch front has to offer: rock climbing, canyoneering, skiing and snowboarding, trail running, wake surfing and water skiing. After a long day of adventuring, he can be found in the best local restaurants wherever his wandering takes him.

  • Kendra Hart - Vice President

    Kendra is a full time corporate pilot and part time flight instructor. Her dad raised her around airplanes, an aspiring pilot himself. She played with model airplanes alongside a big yellow T6 in the hangar, jumped at chances to fly with her dad’s friends in the backseat of a Bonanza, and begged for an aerial tour in a Waco over Sedona for her 8th birthday. And yet never once considered aviation as a career until after high school. She went to an airshow that summer with her dad and as she watched Julie Clark’s routine she remembers thinking, “I have always loved flying, why don’t I do this?” She found a college to attend and within 2 months she was in the left seat of a trusty 172N for her first flight lesson.

    Her heart truly beats for building great stick and rudder skills and training pilots above and beyond the standard. Aerobatics, tailwheel, upset recovery, you name it. She loves hearing the giggles and smile in someone’s voice after going upside down for the first time or the light bulb moment and confidence they build after learning a new skill. She deeply believes in the importance of upset recovery and aerobatic training to create safer, more aware pilots.

    Her favorite maneuver is the Half Cuban! She likes the addition of a the looping and rolling aspect combined into one maneuver. When she isn't flying aerobatics she can be found hanging around the flight school (once an airport bum, always an airport bum), skiing, hanging at a hot spring, or curled up on the couch with her cat Ricky!

  • Sadie Talbot - Secretary

    Sadie’s image and bio are enroute

  • Kent Miner - Treasurer

    Kent’s bio is …coming. Eventually. He has a life story, we promise.

  • Jeff Granger - Board Member

    Jeff Granger won 2nd place on Jeopardy back in 2007. No joke. Ask him about it.

    He is an award winning national judge and has been a tireless volunteer with the IAC for more than 2 decades.

    A retired orthopedic surgeon who traded in his scalpel for a CFI job in order to mentor the next generation - when Jeff isn’t volunteering on the judging line at a contest, teaching, or ripping around in his Extra 300L, you can find him hiking or skiing with his wife Carol in Park City, UT.

  • Lisa Draper - Board Member

    Lisa Draper grew up outside of Seattle, where her parents earned their private pilots’ licenses when she was 7. A couple decades later, she was the first licensed student of her father - when her oldest was also 7.

    As a reward for her first solo, Lisa signed up for an aerobatic intro with Jeff Granger in his Extra 300L, and never looked back. Her favorite figure is the hammerhead.

    “I hope that through our Chapter, more pilots will become involved in aerobatics and receive the associated UPRT and Spin training. There is a deeper understanding of the physics and mechanics of flight when flying in all attitudes. And it’s just plain fun!”

    Outside of flying, Lisa runs a fine art business, and adventures with her husband Paul and their 3 children.

  • Erin Chitty - Board Member

    Erin grew up listening to aviation stories from her uncle, who was a flight test engineer for Boeing. This early view into a career in the skies helped her recognize that flying was part of her calling in life. She trained at UVU in Provo, UT. After training, she sought out an Upset Recovery and Spin course for further confidence in the airplane. This led her to aerobatics, and she has gone on to teach and compete in a variety of aerobatic aircraft.

    “I hope to open the eyes of those currently going through training to more than just the typical training route. Adding aerobatic experience will make your resume stand out and it's also a good way to stay connected to the GA world.”

    Erin’s favorite figure is the Hammerhead - largely because she loves the ocean and sharks. In her day-to-day life she fills her time with artwork while her baby naps.